Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh the glory of the festival!

SInce last year i personally have been much more involved within the student filmmaking scene. So when The Cucalorus Film Festival came back around i got really stoked on a lot of the screenings and started to plan my day around what films i wanted to see.........however i didn't do a great job of planing the films around my already established work and school schedule. Which ended up being one of the determining factors of which films i could and couldn't however through my busy schedule i did end up seeing one feature that being "FIlm Class". The experience overall was interesting it was my first time ever screening at Jengo's playhouse. I really liked the intimate feel of a small theatre, a far cry from giant theaters such as Thalian Hall. The film i thought was a bit much with all the jarring hand held camera which did a better job of taking focus away from the film then providing any of the positive "side effects" of good hand held. Film Class was definitely one of those films that i wouldn't be interested in seeing again.
And during my busy schedule i also got a chance to see the "Ground Round Shorts". This series of short films was also screened at Jengo's Playhouse, which included "B for Beekeeper", "Dear Lemon Lima", "The Golf War", "For all the Marbles" and "The Truth about Tooth". All of films pertained to children, which was interesting to see since there were so many children in the audience. With the presence of children in the audience especially in Jengo's Playhouse (small venue). Being in the room with children and hearing them laugh about seemingly nothing made me laugh and kinda changed the tone of a few pieces, looking back if i would have seen that alone in the living room of my apartment it would been a completely different experience......i don't why that's so much fun?
Of all the short films i liked "Golf War" the best. This film was about the misunderstanding of a young boy when his father goes off to the Gulf War. The ending is what got me, when the filmmaker played himself going to "play" war in Iraq just like his father.

The film was followed by some Q and A where the filmmaker spoke about the pros and cons of working with and being around children on and off set.


1 comment:

silvashan said...

Check out the comment I left Matt Roman Numeral One about the film class. It sounds to me like you learned a tons as a filmmaker from seeing that doc. And as a filmmaker at a fest thats part of the gig. Its fun, but its work. You're always learning about who you are as a filmmaker from what you see in other filmmaker's work! :-)

And what did you think about The Truth about Tooth? One of my favorite films in the fest. It does this nice line riding between fiction and non-fiction. Playing as a doc for kids and a "creative doc" for adults. Plus, its beautifully edited and shot. I hate that I missed the block. Sounds like it was fun.