Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Treatment Time

Matt Evans
FST 495: Doc
Shannon Silva

“The Real Silver Surfer”
This film is about two brothers Tony and Andrew Silvani, Tony the younger of two brothers an up and coming competitive surfer on the east coast with several sponsors. Andrew older of the two brothers and once competitive surfer, until his surfing carrier was disrupted when Andrew with bitten by a tick infecting him with lyme dieses. The film will revolve around two things surfing and the brother’s relationship, which as it stands right now is on the rocks. As it seems to me egos and pride are all that stands in the way.
The five people that I feel are a necessity to interview that could bring cohesiveness, and clarity to the film are Andrew, Tony, their mother, a mutual friend (most likely their sister), and Andrew’s doctor. One of the hardest yet most appealing aspects about shooting a short documentary is choosing only the material that will directly have an effect on the films outcome and hopefully through these interviews needed material will evolve.
One of the most significant decisions my crew and I have to make is the choice dealing with the shot style. The shot style I think overwhelmingly shine through as a surfing documentary (if it walks like duck and acts like a duck….), but what will separate this “surf flick” from the rest is the story within the documentary of human struggle and interaction between two brothers. As of right now the majority of the film will be shot with digital mini DV cameras (using cannon XL1, XL2, and Sony handycams.) However as the film progresses we are also planning to shoot certain settings with a super 8mm, by intertwining the same shot with similar angles between the two film stocks the outcome could really be interesting visually. I want the film to be as entertaining and involving to the viewers visually as it emotionally.
The majority of the locations of the film will be at the beach for obvious reasons, however it will not be the only location. Other locations will include but be restricted to the doctor’s offices with Andrew (this location is extremely important), which could then be juxtaposed to Tony’s surf competitions. Besides the beach and the doctor’s offices other locations will most likely include the Andrew and Tony’s house, but like I stated before these are the not the only possibilities for shooting material/interviews.
The most frequently used style of interviewing we are choosing to apply is “on the move” though we are arranging for more formal “sit down” interviews we feel like
“on the move” interviews will flow better with the overall tone of the piece making it possible for the two brothers to interact with each other, in addition to their surroundings more naturally careful not to put so much emphasis on the camera.
Originally we felt the message of the piece would be about overcoming struggles and perseverance however after talking with Tony about the present relationship with his older brother, and the lack of communicating with Andrew I have this itching feeling that the films message could be about change. But what do I know I’m just a cameraman. As much as want to control the film and create this perfect outcome of brotherhood I have to be true to documentary form and allow the story to develop its self. So what started as this hope of creating a film about struggle and perseverance the same film might just end up depicting struggle and changes that those struggles create.


Tick Born Ecepalopathies

The title is a mouthful but it’s a really nice article. Its really scientific and I understood about half of it. The important thing to glean from this article is the cause, symptoms, and treatments for Lyme disease. Very important stuff for our project.


Duration of Anti biotic Thearopy on Lyme Disease

This article explains the reasons better than the previous one for long term treatment. It also explains some of the side effects (except the silver skin) that Andrew is going through from the drugs.


Lyme Disease Spurs Dispute over Treatment

This article is very short but explains how much different forms of treatement are for the disease. That was an aspect I didn’t think of and the article made me realize that to fight this disease at your best is expensive, this may be another reason for the drugs that turn him Silver.


An Exploratory Investigation of Jealousy in Families

This article is actually a good read even if you aren’t doing a project. An aspect of the project we thought we might have to deal with and is now a serious issue is the jealousy and ego between the two brothers. This article adequately explains what the emotions are in these trying times between them. This article will definitely help.


Collodial Silver

This is an entire article on the product I believe Andrew is using. It causes the skin reaction and is known to be an herbal remedy for Lyme disease. It’s a scary drug and in doing research I would be weary of taking it, which means our subjects situation must be pretty rough.


silvashan said...

I really like the idea of juxtaposing the doctor visits with the surfing. It will definately set up the day to day-ness for each brother.

Also, Im sort of familiar with Colloidal Silver. Is this something the doctor has prescribed or has he heard about it another way?

Kaitlyn Brasiskis said...

Looks like some good info. Can't wait to see the dailies tomorrow.. Just wanted to let you know you've got some tapes here in the editing room I'm leaving them to the right of the printer by the window. Ill try and shoot you an e-mail as well.